Srinagar. Mar 29 (KNO): The Mutahida Majlis-e-Ulema (MMU), the largest representative forum of Ulema, Imams, and religious organisations in Jammu & Kashmir, strongly condemned and expresseed deep resentment over the decision of the authorities to disallow Shab-e-Qadr prayers and Jumat-ul-Vida congregational prayers at the historic and central place of worship, Jama Masjid Srinagar and to put its Ameer Mirwaiz Umar Farooq under house arrest.
"It is deeply unfortunate and painful that while in every part of the world, including in war-torn regions and conflict zones, people were allowed to gather peacefully to offer these sacred prayers, only in Kashmir, the biggest congregation of Muslims was deliberately disallowed and barred by the authorities. This has deeply hurt the religious sentiments of the people and reflects a policy of interfering in and curbing the religious rights of the Muslims of Jammu & Kashmir," a statement issued to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO).
Furthermore, the Mutahida Majlis-e-Ulema informed that on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, Ulema, Khateebs, and Imams across Jammu & Kashmir will, in their Eid sermons, collectively raise their voice against the proposed Waqf Amendment Bill which the Government of India intends to table in the Parliament.
The MMU reiterated that this Bill is against the interests of the Muslim community and undermines their religious and community institutions.
"In one voice, we will appeal to the Government and the Parliament of India not to pass this Bill and to respect the religious rights and interests of Muslims of Jammu & Kashmir and the country," the statement reads.
Muttahida Majlis-e-Ulama Jammu and Kashmir includes Anjuman Auqaf Jamia Masjid, Muslim personal law board, Darul Uloom Rahimiyah Bandipora,, Anjuman Shari Shian, Jamiat Ahle Hadith, Karwan-e-Islami, Ittihad-ul-Muslimeen, Anjuman Himayat-ul-Islam, Jamia Sabeel-ul-Huda Bemina Srinagar, Anjuman Tabligh-ul-Islam, Jamiat Hamdania, Anjuman Ulama-e-Ahnaf, Darul Uloom Qasmiya, Darul Uloom Bilaliya, Anjuman Nusrat-ul-Islam, Anjuman Mazhar-ul-Haq, Jamiat-ul-Aima wal Ulama, Anjuman Aima wa Mashayekh Kashmir, Darul Uloom Naqshbandiya, Darul Uloom Rashidiya, Ahlul Bait Foundation, Madrasa Kanz-ul-Uloom, Pirwan-e-Wilayat, Auqaf Islamia Khiram Sirhama, Bazm-e-Tauheed Ahle Hadith Trust, Anjuman Tanzeem-ul-Makatib, Muhammadi Yateem Trust, Anjuman Anwar-ul-Islam, Karwan Khatm-e-Nabuwwat, Darul Uloom Syed-ul-Mursaleen, Anjuman Ulama wa Aima Masajid, Madrasa Zia-ul-uloom poonch, Falah-e-Darain Trust Welfare Society Islamabad, Ashraf-ul-Uloom Hyderpora, Darul Uloom Dawoodiya Batamaloo, Darul Uloom Furqaniya Nowshera, Darul Uloom Dawoodiya Khanyar, Jamiat-ul-Ulama, Siraj-ul-Uloom, Idara Wahdat-ul-Makatib, Darul Uloom Imdadiya Natipora, Darul Uloom Jamia-tur-Rashad Awantipora, Khanqah Muradiya Jamia Masjid Kreeri, Darul Uloom Saut-ul-Quran Gulshanabad, Awami Rahat Center, Imamia Federation Kashmir, Alnoor Trust Bemina., Shaheen Syndicate social Trust , Jamiat Ulema Wa Aima Masajid Jammu and Kashmir, Daraul Uloom Syed ul Mursaleen Kulgam and other contemporary religious, milli social, and educational institutions—(KNO)